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Version: v2

Update User

Updates a user with the specified details

Once a server API uid value has been set for a user (i.e. they’ve been identified), that value is immutable and any attempt to update the existing value will result in an error.

Path Parameters
    id string required

    The Fullstory assigned user ID

Request Body required
    uid string optional

    Possible values: <= 256 characters

    The application-specific ID you've given to the user

    display_name string optional

    Possible values: <= 256 characters

    The nice-looking name for this user

    email string optional

    Possible values: <= 128 characters

    The email address associated with this user

    properties object optional

    Properties that provide additional information about your user.

    • Up to 500 unique properties are allowed.
    • Property names must be a sequence of alphanumeric characters A-Z, a-z, or 0-9 and underscores ("_").
    • Property names must start with an alphabetic character (A-Z or a-z).
    • The maximum property name length is 512 characters.
    • Property values may also contain nested objects. Properties within nested objects must still conform to the naming requirements. For nested objects, the property name including the dotted concatenation of all its parent properties must still be under the length limit of 512 characters.
    • Property values have a maximum size of 8192 bytes. If the value for the property is larger than this limit, the property will be rejected.
    schema object optional

    Optional schema declaration, to define the structure of the data and override Fullstory's default type inference.

    properties object optional

    A mapping of field names to their corresponding types.


A successful response.

"id": "987654321"

Additional Information
