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Version: v1

Set User Events

Capture custom events for users who have previously been identified in the browser via the FS.identify Browser API function. Use this API to track events from other systems that do not originate directly from the browser or mobile device.

Anonymous users

This API will only work for previously-identified users for whom the FS.identify or FS.setUserVars Browser API was called. Anonymous users lack the required uid necessary for this API to function. You may want to associate server events with a Fullstory session. This is useful if the event occurred as a result of the user’s online activity and you want the user session to reflect both online and server activity. Example: capturing payment gateway errors during checkout.

There are three ways to associate an event to a user session. The session-related fields are all optional. You may include only one of these fields for each event: session_url, use_recent_session, and device_session

If none of the fields above are provided, or if the event timestamp falls outside the 30-minute recent activity window, the event still be ingested, but will not be associated with an existing user session. The event can be used in other analyses such as Metrics, Funnels, Journeys, and Conversions.

Path Parameters
    uid string required

    The application-specific ID you've assigned to this user.

Request Body required
    event object optional
    event_name string required

    The unique name of the custom event.

    event_data object optional

    A set of key-value pairs listing the event properties and values. Property names must follow the custom field format documented here.

    timestamp date-time optional

    The time the event occurred, represented in ISO 8601 format. If not provided, the current Fullstory server time will be used.

    session_url string optional

    The Fullstory session playback URL to which the event should be attached, as returned by the FS.getCurrentSessionURL() client API.

    device_session string optional

    The device session identifier, as returned by the FS.getCurrentSession() client API.

    use_recent_session boolean optional

    Set to true if the custom event should be attached to the user’s most recent session. The most recent session must have had activity within the past 30 minutes.

    user_initiated boolean optional
    integration string optional

    Optional explicit integration field for integrations to mark their custom events.


A successful response.
